The power of consistency when it comes to exercise
Consistency in the context of exercising means working out on a regular basis. In order to produce significant, positive, physiological changes in our bodies, we need to be moving intentionally and with effort, most days of the week. People that exercise regularly for a long period of time, eventually do it out of habit and this is where the magic happens. When exercise becomes a habit, it is something that is done no matter what challenges or set-backs life brings and that is when changes in the body and mind are the most sustainable. The more consistent you are, the more resilient you are to training setbacks.
Consistency is a word that we use often at Plachecki Coaching because it is the number one reason why clients are successful and are able to reach their goals. Consistency in our world aligns with the recommendations of ParticipACTION which is a reputable, Canadian, non-profit organization. People between the ages of 18-65 years old should strength train at least twice per week hitting every major muscle group, engage in 2.5 hours of moderate to vigorous activity per week and move their body (basically not sitting or lying down) for several hours per week. This is the minimum amount that is recommended to receive many health benefits and some examples of what those recommendations may look like are below:
Structured exercise to meet the minimum exercise requirements:
5 x 30 minutes of brisk walking or other cardiovascular activity per week
2-4 x 30 minute strength workouts with multi-joint movements, done in a circuit format to keep your heart rate elevated (join a gym or hire a personal trainer for help)
2 x 60 minute full-body strength workouts
Interval training: 20-60 sec of hard work followed by a period of rest
Joining a fitness classier club that is enjoyable and has a social component
Doing online workouts multiple times per week (strength and cardio)
Everyday movement
Taking the stairs whenever possible or doing an extra set or two at home
Parking farther away to get in more steps
Cycling or walking to do errands
Walking after dinner with your family or friends
Hiking with family and friends
Walking meetings
Short walks at lunch with co-workers
Playing a sport with your child
Walking briskly for 10 minutes
If you are just starting to be active, we highly recommend that you start conservatively (2-3 workouts per week) and then add on workouts after at least a month. If you are currently meeting the recommendations for activity, maybe now it is time to step up your workouts and add more in, make them longer and/or make them specific to your goals to receive even more benefits. If you need guidance, we are here to help!